Nature’s Depths

Walking through nature with John Palka, a neuroscientist who loves plants and ponders big questions

The Wondrous World of Dragons and Damsels


To me, the world of dragonflies (dragons) and damselflies (damsels) is captivating. I find them to be not only beautiful but also remarkable in many ways. Four years ago, in July of 2020, I offered a posting called “The Dragons and Damsels of Elm Creek,” the 5,000-acre nature preserve that is the home of the Eastman Nature Center which I visit several times each week. Today, I want to build on this earlier story.

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Male cardinal

Nature Is Rising


A couple of years ago, prompted by the Easter Sunday that had just passed, I offered you a Rumination on the seasonal cycle of life on our Earth. This year, Easter Sunday has once again brought experiences and reflections that I would like to share with you.

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